Mai Food App

Mai Food App is designed to save time and money by helping home cooks utilize all the ingredients in their kitchen.

While people enjoy cooking at home and feel it contributes to a healthier lifestyle, they just don't have the time to plan ahead for it, and find that food they have spoils before they have a chance to use it.

  • UI Design, Wireframes, UX Research
  • Danielle Pacheco | UX Research,
  • UX Design, Visual Design
  • View Prototype

Discovery and Research

The idea for this project was born out of a problem I had with unused items in my fridge: Was there a digital solution that could prevent unneccesary waste of food? Did others have this same frustration? I explored this with two pointed surveys--the second informed by information from the first-- and a series of 1:1 interviews with survey participants.

"I don't want to buy a bunch of food items I'm not going to use."

- Research Participant


Resesarch revealed that participants enjoy cooking at home and love that it's healthier than eating out, but they often avoid it because it requires a lot of planning.


Sketching and Paper Prototyping

Sketching provided an outlet to get ideas down on paper quickly and compare easily. For this project I sketched out ideas by hand, but will often use low fidelity digital sketches.


The solution is a Grocery App that takes stock of all your food items in the form of a list, and helps you keep track of them via conversational notifications.

In addition, Mai Food App notifies a user when she is close to her local grocery store, and when one of the items she currently has will spoil soon.

Interactive Prototype

An interactive prototype brought the wireframes to life, and allowed subjects to play with the interface, revealing pain points in the process.